Apurva wellness - Ayurveda & Yoga

Lifestyle Coaching

Harmonious, intentional living is the foundation of Ayurveda and Yoga.


During the ayurvedic coaching session, be prepared to talk about YOU. Like really talk about all the nooks and crannies of your life — because it ALL counts when it comes to uncovering patterns (“samskaras” in sanskrit) and habits that are keeping you from making progress on your wellness journey.

I will ask you questions about your current lifestyle (diet, movement, digestion, relationships, emotions, spirituality, the list is long), and together we will explore how making certain shifts can lead you into a better direction, supporting your unique constitution (“prakriti”) and undoing the samskaras that got you here in the first place. The goal of the sessions is to evaluate your current state of imbalance (“vikriti”), while at the same understanding the interplay of that “doshas” and “gunas” have in how you are feeling right now.

Who would benefit from ayurvedic coaching?

Anyone who suspects that their current routines and habits are not supporting their wellbeing or promoting long-term health. Most “modern” ailments, particularly the so-called Lifestyle Diseases, can be greatly mitigated by making small (or big) shifts in your lifestyle routines. If you are experiencing changes in your sleep, digestion, energy/vitality, or general wellbeing, then you need to see me!

What to expect

By the end of the first session, you and I will have a clearer picture of where you need to make shifts. I will make recommendations on diet, herbs, and specific practices that will help you make the necessary shifts. I highly recommend at least 2 more follow up sessions with me so we can both make sure you are on the right track. Virtual or in-person 

1:1 Lifestyle coaching

$125initial intake
  • $95 follow up sessions
  • Sessions can be done online or in-person

Six week Group Coaching


This will be a transformative 6-week group coaching program designed to revitalize your life from the inside out.


Guided by ancient Ayurvedic wisdom, this program offers a comprehensive roadmap to enhance every facet of your existence, from diet and movement, to sleep, skin, and even intimacy.


Throughout our journey together, you’ll delve into the time-tested principles of Ayurveda, learning how to align your lifestyle with your unique mind-body constitution to unlock boundless energy and vitality. Each week, we’ll focus on a different aspect of holistic wellness, empowering you with practical tools and techniques to cultivate lasting habits that support your overall wellbeing.


From discovering the ideal diet for your body type to incorporating mindful movement practices, optimizing sleep patterns, nurturing radiant skin, and revitalizing intimacy, “Lifestyle Reboot” offers a holistic approach to wellness that transcends quick fixes and fad diets. By embracing Ayurveda’s holistic perspective, you’ll not only rejuvenate your body but also nourish your spirit, fostering a profound sense of balance and harmony in your life.


Join us on this transformative journey and embark on a path towards sustainable, long-term wellbeing. Together, we’ll uncover the secrets to vibrant health, vitality, and joy, one mindful step at a time. 

Awaken your own innate healing wisdom

Where there's harmony, there is health

Transform your lifestyle, transform your health!

Known as the “Science of Life”, Ayurveda touches upon several features of how to live a healthy, happy, satisfying life. It lays out a very specific definition of “health” (svastha), integrating the body, the mind, and the spirit into what svastha entails. In this way, Ayurveda is a truly holistic, mind-body approach to living, placing absolute priority on daily self-care routine (known as dinacharya).

Daily routine, known as "Dinacharya", invites the opportunity of sadhana, or spiritual practice; they are a reminder for us to slow down, to stop in the midst of a rushed morning, or at the end of a busy day. By ritualizing the way we care for our Self, we cultivate self-love. By committing each day to spend time on our self, we return to our deepest desire of being loved. Join the lifestyle transformation program to lead a healthy life with peace of mind.


Wellness from the inside out!

  • Learn how Ayurveda and Yoga can transform your mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual Self
  • Understand Ayurveda Nutrition and the best way to nourish your Self
  • Sessions include Movement, Meditation, Mantra, and self-care routines
  • By embracing Yoga and Ayurveda’s “back to basics” lifestyle approach, you are essentially saying a big YES to restoring health and balance to mind and body!