The ancient wisdom of Ayurveda offers many self-care rituals that allow the skin to be healthy, radiant, and resilient. As a wholistic approach, these rituals aren’t just about caring for the skin topically, but also about caring for it from within. According to Ayurveda, the key to beautiful skin is understanding that as the largest organ of the skin, it requires consistent “feeding”, “hydrating”, and “rest” – the same thing your internal organs require.

As a natural approach, Ayurveda also teaches that the skin, like everything else in the cosmos, is regulated by the unique combination of the 5 elements (ether, air, fire, water, earth). The combination of elements is expressed by the Doshas, bio-energies that represent the distinct qualities of Nature. And so, it is important to recognize that each person’s skin is unique; with his/her own expression of the qualities of the Doshas. When the Doshas are out of harmony (“imbalanced”), the different skin types will tell us what the skin needs.  For example, Vata predominant skin tends to be dry and chapped, so it needs hydration and oleation; Pitta skin tends to be sensitive and prone to breakouts, so it will need extra protection from the climate/sun and other triggers. And yet, each of these skin types (or combination of skin types) have the ability to be healthy and “balanced”, with the appropriate skincare routines.

Skin conditions are rarely caused by an issue on the surface of the skin; they are far more likely to be the result of a deeper imbalance—making it somewhat ineffective to treat the symptom alone. When our lifestyle is in alignment with our true nature (Prakriti), the doshas support overall harmony of body and mind. Ayurveda helps us understand that any imbalance has a root cause; a trigger that is more than skin deep.  

Skincare for your Dosha

Caring for Vata Skin

Imbalanced Vata skin will be chapped, have premature wrinkles and dark circles under the eyes. The most common wrinkles for this type of skin are worry lines (horizontal wrinkles across forehead).

For Vata skin to stay youthful, skin care products used should be very nurturing. Adding moisture is your priority. Treatments that are warming, nourishing and toning are best for vata skin.

A Vata-pacifying lifestyle — like going to bed on time, eating three regular meals, and following a regular daily routine — are essential components of a holistic approach to Vata skin care, as are eating foods that help balance Vata and nourish the Vata skin.

Caring for Pitta Skin 

Imbalanced Pitta skin shows rashes, freckles and discolorations. The common Pitta wrinkles are crows feet and brow wrinkles (squinting wrinkles and creases between the eyebrows).
This skin type needs both cooling and nurturing. Use skin care products that help enhance resistance to the sun; but also limit sun exposure time. Avoid tanning treatments and therapies that expose your delicate, sensitive skin to steam for extended periods of time.

Caring for Kapha Skin 

Imbalanced kapha skin becomes clammy and excessively oily. The common wrinkles are around the mouth or chin. Kapha skin, because of its thickness and oiliness, is more prone to accumulate ama (toxins) under the skin. Proper cleansing is the most important thing you can do kapha skin. Frequent deep cleansing should be the basis of your beauty regimen. Preparations that suit are warming, cleansing and stimulating.

Scrubbing the skin with a gentle exfoliating clay such as bentonite clay can help external cleansing. Kapha skin types may also need to take herbal formulations to cleanse the skin from within.